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a word about Ragwax


The Ragwax per­for­mance brings fresh vi­gour to vin­tage 1900s-1940s jazz.  He re­in­ter­prets and incor­po­rates blues, jump blues, hot jazz, a bit of rocka­billy, ori­gi­nal, and mo­dern songs in­to his unique yet cu­rious­ly fa­mi­liar sound.  The re­sul­ting pre­sen­ta­tion is pro­vo­ca­tive and dis­tinctly reso­nant.

Jazz has come to mean music that is snob­bish­ly so­phis­ti­ca­ted, bland and boring.  Vis­ua­lise a bunch of musicians im­pres­sing each other, while stu­diou­sly ig­no­ring the audience.  On the other hand, by original design, dixie­land, hot jazz and Tin Pan Alley engaged people and got them moving and dancing.  As a con­tem­po­ra­ry artist in his twenties, Ragwax plays songs that are en­ter­tai­ning and almost a hun­dred years old.  He re­vi­ves and re­news his­to­ric jazz stan­dards, proving them to be ex­ci­ting and truly time­less.

While playing bars, clubs, hotels and res­tau­rants to make a living, patrons expect the usual clas­sic rock or top 40 for live en­ter­tain­ment, but Ragwax catches them off-guard and they'll dance, buy drinks, and show a per­so­nal in­ter­est be­tween sets.  There is a no­stal­gia and time­less­ness to his per­for­mance that gets a crowd ex­cit­ed and en­ga­ged in a re­fresh­ing way.  Ragwax en­ter­tain­ment is a rare treat, some­thing people would ty­pi­cal­ly have to go out of their way to find.

For Ragwax, nothing stays the same for very long.  He is now presenting the best of millennial Rock with his band Pink Leather Jackets and it's a screaming success everywhere.  Make sure you see the band live soon.  Pink Leather Jackets imparts new life and energy to the Millenial spectrum of rock.  Be prepared to be drawn into the band experience like with few bands in recent decades. 

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